By Courtney E. Smith
Spoiler alert, the moral of Giorgio Moroder’s beautiful, sun-drenched video is this: don’t date Italian men.
That said, this video faces a great hurdle. When two artists, Moroder and Sia, who contributes vocals and lyrics here, are faceless, how does one go about creating a music video to feature their work?
The answer is to have stand-ins for their essence. Moroder, an Italian himself, is represented by a young man who appears to be living a life of deja vu, constantly returning to a hotel for a liaison with a woman in a short blonde wig. Anyone with even the slightest awareness of Sia knows she herself dons such a wig often and likes to employ stand-ins for herself in her own work with a similar style.
Related: Giorgio Moroder Announces First Album in 30 Years
And so the daily adventures in love go, until it becomes apparent the blonde woman is not simply one woman, but several. The wig symbolizes the Italian man’s interchangeable view of all of these women—and they are pissed.
The video paints a powerful moment when they all rip their wigs off, revealing their individual identities, and chase him down the hall.
Moroder makes a cameo as the cab driver who retrieves him from one of his moments of deja vu in the disco infused track.
“Deja Vu” is one of the singles off Moroder’s record of the same name, set to be released on June 16.